APOLLO 50 SC is an acaricide that acts by contact on eggs and early larval stages of many mites. Its action persistes on 2 months. It has an important translaminar activity.

Class(es) : Acaricide.
Formulation : Concentrated Suspension(SC)
Active Ingredient (s) : 500 g/l Clofentezine
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Tetrazines
Registration number : B11-9-001
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Insects / Mites Doses DAY
Citrus Mites 40 cc/hl 45 d
Stone fruit trees Mites 40 cc/hl 45 d
Fruit trees with pips Mites 40 cc/hl 45 d
Strawberries tree Mites 0,4 l/ha 3 d
Melon Mites 40 cc/hl 3 d
Watermelon Mites 40 cc/hl 7 d
Tomato Mites 40 cc/hl 3 days
Vine Mites 40 cc/hl 28 days
Raspberry bush Mites 40 cc/hl 7 days

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