
AQ10® is a powdery mildew biofungicide based on a natural strain of Ampelomycesquisqualis. It parasitizes more than 64 species of powdery mildew protecting crops such as cucumber, zucchini, strawberry, pepper and tomato.

Class(es) : Fungicide.
Formulation : Dispersible granules (WG)
Active Ingredient (s) : Ampelomyces quisqualis, isolate M-10 (580 g/kg (5x10¹² spores/kg))
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Phaeosphaeriaceae
Registration number : F11-2-055
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Diseases Doses DAY
Zucchini Powdery mildew 50 g/ha -
Tomato Powdery mildew 50 g/ha -
Strawberries tree Powdery mildew 50 g/ha -
Pepper Powdery mildew 50 g/ha -