BIOGENE is a biological organic-based Nematicide. It creates unfavorable conditions for the nematodes development and promotes rooting while improving the assimilation of elements.

Class(es) : Nematicide .
Formulation : Liquid
Active Ingredient (s) : 16% Organic matter + 84% Vegetable extract
Toxicological classification : NULL
Chemical Family : BOrganic
Registration number : N/A
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Approved use :

Culture Insects / Mites Doses DAY
Tomato Nematodes 5 - 10 lt/ha -
Pepper Nematodes 5 - 10 lt/ha -
Melon Nematodes 5 - 10 lt/ha -
Zucchini Nematodes 5 - 10 lt/ha -
Green beans Nematodes 5 - 10 lt/ha -