FENGIB is a growth regulator that acts on many physiological processes related to flowering and fruit set.

Class(es) : Growth Regulator.
Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate(EC)
Active Ingredient (s) : 0,5% Gibberellic acid (AG3) + 1% Phenothiol
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : /
Registration number : B10-8-008
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Uses Doses DAY
Citrus fruits (Clementine) Flowering / Nouaison 75 cc/hl -
Citrus (Morocco Late) Fruit magnification 100 cc/hl -
Strawberries tree Fruit magnification 60 cc/hl 5 d
Strawberries tree Homogeneity of the caliber 60 cc/hl 6 d