HUMAVERT is a natural biostimulant made of extremely decomposed and easily assimilable humic and fulvic acids.


Class(es) : Nutrition.
Formulation :Wettable Powder(WP)
Active Ingredient (s) : 45% Total humic extract (41% Humic acids + 4% fulvic acids)
Toxicological classification : NULL
Chemical Family : /
Registration number : N/A
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Uses Doses DAY
Citrus Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Rosaceae Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Tomato Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Pepper Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Melon Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Potato Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Sugar beet Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Cucumber Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Strawberries tree Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Vine Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Lettuce Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Corn Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -
Cereals Soil depletion 1-3 kg/ha. -