MAVRIK 2F is an insecticide-acaricide that acts by contact and ingestion on many pests of crops such as aphids, mites and whiteflies.

Class(es) : Insecticide, Acaricide.
Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate(EC)
Active Ingredient (s) : 240 g/l Tau-Fluvalinate
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Synthetic Pyrethroids
Registration number : D12-0-001
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Insects / Mites Doses DAY
Citrus Aleurodes (Aleurothrixus floccosus 15 cc/hl 60 d
Citrus Aleurodes (Parabemicia myricae) 20 cc/hl 60 d
Citrus Aphids 20 cc/hl 60 d
Colza Aphids 0,2 l/ha 28 d
Colza Big flea beetle 0,2 l/ha 28 d
Green beans Mites 20 cc/hl 7 d
Green beans White fly 20 cc/hl 7 d
Green beans Noctuelles 20 cc/hl 7 d
Green beans Aphids 20 cc/hl 7 d
Green beans Thrips 20 cc/hl 7 d
Peach Thrips 60 cc/hl 90 d
Tomato Mites 25 cc/hl 3 d
Tomato Noctuelles 25 cc/hl 3 d
Vine Leafhopper 25 cc/hl 21 d
Melon Aphids 0.2 lt/ha 3 d