MAXIFER is an iron chelate used in fertilization or for the rapid correction of iron deficiency.

Class(es) : Nutrition.
Formulation : Soluble powder (SP)
Active Ingredient (s) : 6% Iron Eddha (ortho-ortho)
Toxicological classification : NULL
Chemical Family : /
Registration number : N/A
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Uses Doses DAY
Stone fruit trees Deficiencies 30 to 100 g/arbre -
Fruit trees with pips Deficiencies 30 to 100 g/arbre -
Citrus Deficiencies 30 to 100 g/arbre -
Vine Deficiencies 30 to 100 g/arbre -
Strawberries tree Deficiencies 20 to 50 g/plt -
Tomato Deficiencies 5 to 10 kg/ha -
Ornamental Plants Deficiencies 20 to 30 g/plt -
Pepper Deficiencies 5 to 10 kg/ha -