MERJAN is a contact fungicide used preventively against many fungal diseases, mainly mildew and scab.

Class(es) : Fungicide.
Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)
Active Ingredient (s) : 50% Captane
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Dicarboximides (phtalimides)
Registration number : B05-8-003
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Diseases Doses DAY
Potato Mildew 300 g/hl 30 d
Apple tree Tavelure 300 g/hl 15 d
Tomato Mildew 300 g/hl 30 d
Vine Mildew 250 g/hl 35 d
Peach Peach blister 500 g/hl 15 d
Pear tree Tavelure 300 g/hl 15 d