OIKOS is a biological insect growth regulator (IGR) with a larvicidal effect used to control many insect pests including mainly whitefly and Tuta Absoluta. It also has a nematicidal effect.
Class(es) : Insecticide.
Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate(EC)
Active Ingredient (s) : 31,95 g/l Azadirachtine
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Organic
Registration number : E10-2-005
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :
Approved use :
Culture | Insects / Mites | Doses | DAY |
Citrus | Mediterranean fruit fly | 80 cc/hl | 3 d |
Citrus | leafminer | 70 cc/hl | 3 d |
Green beans | White fly | 30 cc/hl | 3 d |
Pepper | Thrips | 70 cc/hl | 3 d |
Tomato | White fly | 70 cc/hl | 3 d |
Tomato | Noctuelles | 70 cc/hl | 3 d |
Tomato | Tuta absoluta | 100 cc/hl | 3 d |
Tomato | Tuta absoluta | 1 lt/ha | - |
Tomato | Nematodes | 1 lt/ha | - |
Raspberry bush | Drosophila suzukii | 100 cc/hl | 3 d |
Bilberry | Drosophila suzukii | 100 cc/hl | 3 d |