The national cereal and pulses trade exhibition in Berrechid

14 November 2017

The long-awaited national cereals and pulses trade exhibition finally became reality. It was held in Berrechid in the most important grain-farming region of the kingdom. From the outset the organizers planned that the theme will be “Cereals and legumes ... for food security” to define how important the place that must have this vital agricultural pole.

The national cereal and pulses trade exhibition in Berrechid

The meeting was attended by several organizations, public and private, operating in the sector; It was a good opportunity to present new agricultural technologies, equipment and inputs but also to discuss the current issues and prospects of His development during seminars.

In a friendly atmosphere, the SAOAS group had the pleasure to participate in this first edition and to receive its guests who came to visit its stall looking for novelties in terms of inputs in the field of phytosanitary protection mainly field crops. And Moroccan farmers are right to trust the great experience of the SAOAS group, which has always listened to them and brought solutions to their problems. It is the SAOAS group that supported them with the famous Apyros to fight bromine or quite recently with Akodim to get rid of the resistance of ryegrass, which has become increasingly tough.

The SAOAS group range of pesticides is diversified and complete, the farmers will find the insecticides, the herbicides, the fungicides but also the correctors of all kinds of deficiencies and even the wetting agents. This range is perfectly adapted to all agricultural productions and particularly to field crops. It has recently been enriched with 3 new cereal fungicides: Cyclone 400 EW, Geronimo 490EC and Zebra 320 SC. Making a promise to its customers to be present with brand new products for the next edition.

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