LIMOCIDE is a biological insecticide-fungicide that acts by contact on many insect pests and fungal diseases of crops namely the white fly, stink, mildew, botrytis.…

Class(es) : Fungicide, Insecticide.
Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate(EC)
Active Ingredient (s) : 6% -[95%] Essence d'orange [d-limonène]
Toxicological classification : C
Chemical Family : Biologique
Registration number : E12-7-008
Find all this information on the downloadable pdf below :

Approved use :

Culture Insects / Mites / Diseases Doses DAY
Strawberries tree Thrips 1,2 l/ha 1 d
Melon White fly 0,4 l/hl -
Mint aphids 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Peach aphids 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Pepper White fly 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Pepper aphids 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Tomato White fly 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Vine Cicadelle 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Strawberries tree Gray rot 0,4 l/hl 1 d
Raspberry bush Powdery mildew 2,4 l/ha -
Tomato Mildew 0,4 l/hl 1 day