SAOAS-ALFACHIMIE Group Biobac and Scomrid Aerosol, create a protection against Botrytis
To launch their new solutions against Botrytis, the group SAOAS-ALFACHIMIE and its partners, AAKO Holland and BCP Certis, organized on the 29th of November at the Royal Atlas Hotel in Agadir, an information day in order to share their experiences with industry professionals and respond to some of their various concerns.

Nowadays, the tomato cultivation is the most important speculation within the vegetable producer sector. However, it is subject to attacks from a wide range of diseases and pests, including Botrytis, which causes very heavy losses every year.
The day brought together, as expected, nearly 170 professionals, mainly managers and large production unit leaders. Initiated by Mr. Ali El Ouafi’s speech, Deputy Director of the SAOAS group, the information day allowed the participants to attend various presentations; On one hand, about the “gray mould” disease and the strategies adopted to get rid of it, presented by Dr. Mohamed Achouri, IAV Hassan II-CHA Professor, and on the other hand, about the new specialties brought by the group, in particular Scomrid Aérosol, presented by Mr. Med Amin El Alaoui, Development Manager of the SAOAS Group, and Biobac, presented by the Business Support Manager of AAKO, Mr. Benoit De Schepper.
Scomrid, 2% from Imazalil, helps to eradicate the phytopathogenic fungus after infection. It is also effective when used preventively on wounds that can lead to infection. Scomrid is comes in a spray system to make localized and safe applications for auxiliary wildlife and pollinators. Fruit residues are therefore minimized.
Composed of 109 cfu / g of Bacillus subtilis strain Y1336, Biobac has an effect on several phytopathogenic agents including mainly Botrytis cinerea. It is recommended to use it as a preventive measure for improved efficiency. Biobac settles on the surface of the plant and thus creates a physical barrier protecting the plants against possible infections (space and nutritive competition). It can be used alone, alternately or even mixed with other fungicides. Biobac is an alternative to synthetic molecules and helps maintaining plant resistance, making it a tool of choice in an integrated pest management strategy.