The acariens
In addition to the Moroccan farmers awareness to new agricultural practices, the SAOAS group plans to invest in the technical and commercial staff that are the key element in the implementation of the general policy of the group to help Moroccan agriculture through technical training days animated by specialized skills in the different aspects of the phytosanitary protection of major crops.

In this context, the group SAOAS organized on May 14th, 2015 at the Meknes branch a training day about "Fruit Trees harmful Mites in Morocco". This day was initiated by a welcome speech by Mr Ibrahim El Ouafi, Marketing Director; Then, Professor Ahmed Sekkat, teacher-researcher at the National School of Agriculture of Meknes, developed the theme of the training day to participants composed by technical sales agents from Meknes, Beni Mellal, Larache and Casablanca branches; the presentation was successful and was an great opportunity for participants to discuss the arthropod pests of fruit trees in Morocco.
The afternoon was spent visiting two agricultural estates in the region of El Hajeb during which Professor A. Sekkat gave detailed information on the pests encountered in the field as well as the auxiliary fauna that any control program must consider in order for the phytosanitary protection intervention to be established in the context of reasonable control. As such, the SAOAS group has in its range: APOLLO 50 SC, which is a specific ovicide on all types of mites that spares the auxiliary fauna, and ERADICOAT biological insecticide-acaricide with a physical effect making it able to the opportunity to Integrate in all the programs of fight reasoned to obtain a product without residue.