Korrigan Open day in Berrechid
On Wednesday, July 10th in Berrechid, the company SAOAS in collaboration with its seed supplier SAKATA organized an introduction day to Korrigan, the new variety of carrots.

The meeting was attended by about sixty farmers mainly carrot producers in the area.
The event was opened by the welcome speech of Mr. Faycal Houssaini, the SAOAS group sales manager. And then, a presentation of the variety, its characteristics and its benefits has been made by Mr Abdellatif Boukdire the head of development and promotion of seeds. Good soil storage and seed resistance are two important features of Korrigan. The variety is also characterized by a good quality of the root (shape, taste and color).
After the intervention of Mr. Abdelaziz Ahlafi the representative of the multinational SAKATA who presented the company and its projects in development on the North of Africa, the meeting was closed by a visit on the field where the farmers had the opportunity to see the variety live.